



代表幹事  山田一眞















First, I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to you all on the grand execution of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. May I now speak a few words on behalf of Japan India Cultural Exchange Network.

As a Japanese Buddhist monk, I have held the Dhammapada, a collection of the sermons of the Lord Buddha himself, most dear to my heart from an early age. In this text, the rightful way that people should live is explained in a vivid and practical manner.

When I imagine Lord Buddha going from village to village to preach, I also see the image of Mahatma Gandhi as he would similarly go from village to village, spinning his charkha and sharing his teachings. Mahatma Gandhi also taught from the perspective of the rightful way to go about everyday life, in which his vision of the rightful way of the world was rooted.

I believe there are parallels in the teachings of these two great figures. They both thought about what it means to be human; what it means to live in a rightful way, what is suffering and what is tranquility. In other words, how people can coexist with each other, with nature and the universe itself. Mahatma Gandhi referred to this rightful way as “Satya” (Truth) while Lord Buddha referred to it as “Dharma” (Cosmic Law and Order). And at the foundation of these figures is the deep love for all living things. Therefore, “Ahimsa” (Non-Violence) is at the core of Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha, and compassion is the most important principle in Buddhism.

An attitude which says, “My country first” and “Me first”, is spreading intolerance, division and discrimination throughout the world. In such a day and age, we should strive towards the realization of Satya and Dharma.

In this sense, I believe that this 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is a deeply meaningful endeavor.

